CEUL080343 - Cervical and Exertion Assessment in Concussion

Offered By

10900 NE 4th St.
Suite 2300
Bellevue, WA  98004  USA

Course Description:

One of the roles of physical and occupational therapists in concussion management is to return
individuals back to their preconcussion activities. For asymptomatic athletes, progressive
exertion is an important component of return-to-play assessments. In addition, exertion therapy is
being implemented more frequently for individuals who are symptomatic after a concussion to
facilitate recovery. While the evidence regarding exertion therapy is continuing to evolve, the
latest information related to who can benefit from exertion, possible exercise paradigms, and
appropriate timing for exertion are discussed.
Neck pain may be an associated feature of concussion, requiring management by therapists. In
addition, dizziness, a common symptom attributed to concussion, may also be due to
impairments in the cervical spine. Key cervical examination elements will be demonstrated via
video, and ideas for management in the acute, subacute, and chronic phases will be discussed.
Finally, this course will conclude with information related to serious negative consequences that
have been associated with concussion. Facts about second impact syndrome (SIS) and chronic
traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) will be discussed to assist therapists in providing the latest
evidence-based information to their patients and families who are concerned about these issues.


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