CEUL083721 - Effective Exercise Dosing to Optimize Recovery and Beyond

Offered By

10900 NE 4th St.
Suite 2300
Bellevue, WA  98004  USA

Course Description:

This part one in a two-part series. Regular physical activity and exercise, essential for general health and wellness, is not exclusive of older adults. Underdosing exercise for geriatric patients/clients may jeopardize quality of life, functional capacity, and independence, leaving vulnerable older adults at risk for falls, frailty, and progression of chronic conditions. In a healthcare environment with care limits and disparities, excessively conservative interventions waste valuable resources and result in suboptimal outcomes. There is no excuse for complacency or ageism bias to compromise the quality and effectiveness of physical therapy interventions. This course will provide evidence-based guidelines for exercise prescription, designed to optimize rehabilitation and address lifestyle physical activity. At the conclusion of an episode of skilled therapy services, our patients should be better prepared for health maintenance through customized exercise prescription and education to support their specific conditions and activity participation.


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