CEUL101371 - ReVital - Management of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy

Offered By
Select Medical

1340 Gaskins Road
Unit 12
Richmond, VA  23238  USA

Course Description:

This online course will focus on the rehabilitation management of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. The course is presented in two parts. Part one begins with a rehabilitation-focused presentation of the pathophysiology, assessment, and activity and participation limitations related to CIPN. Learners will understand how to differentiate between CIPN and other common neurologic pathologies encountered when caring for people affected by cancer. It addresses performance of objective multi-modal assessment of CIPN, a description of the pathophysiology of balance and gait problems in patients with cancer who have received neurotoxic chemotherapy, and how to best assess and treat balance and gait problems in patients with CIPN. Part two is presented from both the PT and OT lens in order to gain a better appreciation for the role each discipline plays in the care of individuals with CIPN. The physical therapy-focused content discusses how to best assess and treat balance and gait problems in patients with CIPN, and several cases to help learners culminate information learned in parts one and two. The occupational therapy-focused content contains an overview of CIPN, and assessments and interventions that OT practitioners can use to support people living with CIPN. Learner understanding will be assessed using post-course multiple choice quizzes and case-based discussions in the Foundations of Cancer Rehabilitation II live course.

CEU Credits: 4.000

Type of Course: Homestudy

Course Dates To Be Offered:

Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023


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