1509 Wilson Terrace
Glendale, CA 91206 USA
Course Description:
Aortic dissection (AoD) is a life-threatening injury to the thoracic aorta resulting from a tear in the inner wall of the aorta that allows blood to flow between the aortic layers, resulting in a separation (dissection) of the walls of the aorta and blood flow into the resulting space. The aorta might rupture; other possible complications include organ damage (e.g., kidney, liver, intestines), stroke, and aortic valve failure. AoD is usually classified according to the location of the tear. According to the Stanford classification, type A AoD involves the ascending aorta and requires surgical intervention, if possible. Type B AoDoccurs distal to the left subclavian artery and can be managed medically unless the presentation is complicated by risk factors for progression of the condition, in which case surgical treatment is recommended. Patients with AoD are faced with a lifetime blood pressure management regimen, including drug therapy, activity restrictions, weight and stress reduction, and smoking cessation. Rehabilitation is determined by the patient’s individual needs and capacity and is guided by the requirement to observe systolic blood pressure restrictions (< 120 mmHg) in order to limit stress on the aortic wall.
CEU Credits: 1.000
Type of Course: Online Only
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023