27710 Walsh Crossing Drive
Katy, TX 77494 USA
Course Description:
All healthcare professionals who have been in practice for any length of time have not needed the media to tell them that there is an obesity epidemic. As a therapist, do you feel competent to treat patients of size? This course is designed to help PTs and PTAs mobilize patients who are obese in a manner that is functional and respectful for the patient and safe for the staff. Learn barriers to mobility, various body types in patients of size and how it affects mobilization and ADLs, when to safely mobilize, state and federal laws for safe lifting, bariatric equipment available, special needs of patients of size in emergency situations, and more. This course is directed to therapists working in all settings, including acute care, rehabilitation, nursing facilities, home health or outpatient clinics. This is an important and necessary course for therapists working in today’s health care system with today’s increasing bariatric population.
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023