27710 Walsh Crossing Drive
Katy, TX 77494 USA
Course Description:
Have you recently looked around classrooms and playgrounds and noticed the numerous overweight children and those who exhibit poor posture, strength, and endurance. There are flexed necks and backs and poor sitting tolerance. These issues can impact their success in the classroom as well as in other areas of the school environment. This course discusses the role of the core and posture in learning and ergonomics, how posture can affect musculoskeletal issues, how to implement quick postural assessments, and the positive impact that Pilates/yoga can have in counteracting these issues during therapy sessions. You will learn orthopedic issues that can arise from inefficient postures and ergonomic as well as evidence-based exercise interventions based on Pilates and yoga. Opportunities to learn the exercises are provided through first viewing the pictures and then practicing the techniques. The course allows you to use visual, kinesthetic, and tactile learning formats. This is a valuable course for physical therapy clinicians working in pediatric settings.
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023