27710 Walsh Crossing Drive
Katy, TX 77494 USA
Course Description:
This course includes the text Therapeutic Exercise Prescription, by physical therapists Kim Dunleavy and Amy Kubo Slowik, and its accompanying video content. The first portion of the text/videos provides a wealth of information on the principles and foundations of prescribing therapeutic exercise, including teaching/learning concepts, examination and evaluation considerations, and parameters for exercise choices. The foundation section is “not intended to provide a comprehensive discussion but rather serve as summaries of available and professionally accepted practices”. The second section of the course and the associated videos serve as a thorough and practical treatment manual, providing detailed instructions on exercise prescription to address specific problems in the lower extremity, upper extremity, and spine. Specific exercises are described, along with modifications, progressions, alternatives, teaching tips, and common compensations. Case studies are presented, with explanations of choices and application of concepts and principles.
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023