27710 Walsh Crossing Drive
Katy, TX 77494 USA
Course Description:
This course instructs the physical therapy and occupational therapy clinician how to use memory aids to help patients with memory loss function more successfully. The memory loss can be due to dementia, TBI, or CVA. The author argues that memory aids are prosthetics that help the memory impaired--much like canes help a person walk better, glasses help the vision impaired and hearing aids help the hearing impaired. This course is full of practical help in instructing therapists the best ways in which memory aids can be used in various rehab environments. Memory aids, in the form of memory albums, memory wallets and signs and labels, can assist the therapist to increase engagement with a therapeutic activity, enhance conversation, enhance orientation, enhance communication of wants, needs and safety, and address challenging behaviors in assisted living, LTC, and home settings. Free downloads of guides, forms, templates and memory aids are included to enhance this course.
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023