10900 NE 4th St.
Suite 2300
Bellevue, WA 98004 USA
Course Description:
Much discussion and interest have been generated since the ruling on Jimmo v. Sebelius
occurred. However, lack of understanding at all levels of the organization regarding maintenance
therapy has made people wary of providing this level of care, despite the fact that it is part of
what the Medicare beneficiary is entitled to. Without clarity, implementation risks are real, and
there are few resources available to ensure appropriate patient identification, case management,
and discharge planning. This course is applicable to the leadership and clinical staff of outpatient
clinic providers. This course will provide an opportunity to apply knowledge gained through
participation in the maintenance therapy courses. The focus will be outpatient therapy.
CEU Credits: 0.500
Type of Course: Online Only
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2022 to Dec 31, 2022