10900 NE 4th St.
Suite 2300
Bellevue, WA 98004 USA
Course Description:
Standard clinical practice often reinforces systems of oppression that fail to meet the needs of
transgender and nonbinary individuals, particularly those who have identities that intersect with
vectors of power (e.g., racism, ableism). This course will give guidance for establishing and
maintaining a practice of cultural humility, starting first with understanding foundational
terminology and then describing how transgender and nonbinary people are often harmed in
traditional allied health settings despite the good intentions of all parties. The course then
progresses to provide practical and effective strategies for personal and professional reflection
and growth, and participants are encouraged to pause the course at various points to engage in
their own reflection. This course is beneficial for all members of the allied health profession and
has useful information for both educational and healthcare settings.
CEU Credits: 1.750
Type of Course: Online Only
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023