2207 Concord Pike #446
Wilmington, DE 19803 USA
Course Description:
Our Health Risk Assessment course is a narrated educational video course consisting of 6 modules that are designed to provide information regarding the determination of an individual’s overall holistic health status without the expensive and often time consuming medical examinations and diagnostic testing. At the end of each module there are review questions to test the learner’s understanding of the information provided. Our Health Risk Assessment is based off easily obtained measurements that include vital signs, weight & height measurements and various circumferential measurements (wrist, neck, waist, hip) that are used in different combinations in numerous anthropometric calculations such as the BMI (body mass index) & BRI (body roundness index). The HRA can flag early warning signs of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and more. For definitive diagnosis, see a doctor. The HRA’s easy-to-understand health report takes the mystery out of getting healthy. Organizations can set clear program goals based on concrete data. Individuals can clearly understand their risks and how to improve. In the workplace, a HRA-backed wellness initiative will increase productivity, retention rates, and job satisfaction. It'll decrease sick time, healthcare costs, and short-term disability Upon the completion of this course you will understand the science and mathematics used in the algorithms to determine an individual’s risk of various medical complications such as apoxia and heart disease and their overall health classification.
Health risk assessments are widely distributed among workforce and health plan populations. Each anthropometric measurement when taken individually can have inherent inaccuracies (such as BMI that does not differentiate between an individual who has a normal build and a muscular build). Thus any individual anthropometric assessment
taken alone can give misleading results at times (depending on the particular measurements taken) but when multiple assessments are completed a powerful tool for the healthcare practitioner is created for assessing an individual’s health status without the need for more expensive diagnostic examinations. So when multiple assessments do indicate that an individual has significant findings then the HRA can serve as an indicator of medical necessity for more expensive diagnostic tests. Finally, a HRA can save a workplace and/or insurance carrier money and help motivate an individual to take more responsibility in achieving an improved health status through a quick and simple examination that can readily be accomplished with minimal effort.
This course will teach you how to correctly implement all techniques & procedures used during an HRA and how to make sound and professional interpretations of the results. It will also ensure your competence in the use of all evaluative instruments required during an HRA. These instruments and procedures are peer reviewed for reliability, validity, and widely accepted in industrial rehabilitation. You will be trained to administer and produce an individualized HRA report that meets today’s medical standards. The webFCE Software will be utilized during the course as a training tool.
CEU Credits: 2.500
Type of Course: Online Only
Course URL: http://app.webfce.com/Fce/CourseDetail.aspx?course=HRA
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Dec 31, 2022 to Dec 31, 2026