CEUL114684 - Cannabis & Physical Therapy; What Providers Need to Know

Offered By
APTA Michigan

Lansing, MI  48933  USA

Course Description:

The increased use of cannabis-related products by individuals across the nation for various health-related conditions and for adult/recreational use calls for the inclusion of cannabis-related knowledge in physical therapy practice. Practicing clinicians must learn to work with their patients who are using cannabis products, how cannabis may affect patients' health and rehabilitation, and the impact cannabis has on the overall health of society. Clinicians who can interact with their cannabis-using patients have an important opportunity to impact the health and wellness of individuals and others in society. This presentation will clarify necessary terminology, explore the proposed benefits and known risks associated with cannabis use, and provide participants with suggested tactics to best address this topic with patients.
Objective : Explain the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and how its interaction with endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids is related to health and wellness.
Objective 2: Evaluate the use of cannabis in the treatment of selected health conditions.
Objective 3: Clarify cannabis-related terminology and its relevance to physical therapy
Objective 4: Summarize the interactive effects of cannabis with other pharmacological agents and physical therapy interventions

CEU Credits: 2.000

Type of Course: In Person

Course Dates To Be Offered:

Mar 25, 2023 to Mar 25, 2023 | Detroit MI
Mar 25, 2023 to Mar 25, 2023 | Detroit MI


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