2207 Concord Pike #446
Wilmington, DE 19803 USA
Course Description:
The Fall Risk Assessment Certification Course is a narrated educational video course designed to provide information regarding the performance, interpretation for determining the accurate prediction of fall probability over a 12 month period. At the end of each module there are review questions to test the learner’s understanding of the information provided. Our course is based on a meta-study that examined over 2,300 “fall risk” studies. The norms used in this program were derived from over 12,700 studies. All calculations are developed from peer reviewed algorithms to allow for the assessment of not only the senior population but other populations of various ages and impairment/disabilities. Upon the completion of this course you will understand the nuances for performing and interpreting a Fall Risk Assessment and how to set goals & create corresponding treatment interventions for the successful rehabilitation of individuals at risk of falling and sustaining possible significant bodily injury. This course will teach you how to correctly implement all techniques & procedures used during an FRA and how to make sound and professional interpretations of the results. It will also ensure your competence in the use of all evaluative instruments required during a FRA. These instruments and procedures are peer reviewed for reliability, validity, and widely accepted in the medical arena. You will be trained to administer and produce an individualized FRA report that meets today’s demanding standards. The webFCE Software will be utilized during the course as a training tool.
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jun 1, 2023 to Jun 1, 2024