261 Mack Ave
Detroit, MI 48021 USA
Course Description:
This is an interactive course that will teach you how to identify faulty scapular and humeral alignment and movement patterns in the shoulder by analyzing patient posture and movement. You will learn how to use components of the movement system to classify patients with scapular and / or humeral movement faults and mechanical shoulder pain. Based on movement classifications, you will hypothesize which mobility and muscle performance deficits are contributing to a patient’s symptoms. You will integrate symptom modification procedures into your interventions and learn how to restore optimal posture and movement of the scapula and humerus.
Within this model we will then incorporate a paradigm shift called Muscle Activation Technique. First, we will explore the communication pathways that exist between the nervous system and muscular system. Inflammation plays a role in disrupting the communication pathways. Muscle Stiffness / tightness will be identified as a symptom rather than the root cause of pain, injury or altered performance. Based on this concept the Scapula and Humerus mobility, strength / weakness will be specifically tested in isolation to restore normal upper extremity function.
CEU Credits: 14.000
Type of Course: In Person
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Oct 21, 2023 to Oct 22, 2023 | Detroit MI