CEUL124012 - Clinical Driver Evaluations

Offered By
Barber's Driving School

3709 Gentian Blvd SUITE 5
Columbus, GA  31907  USA

Course Description:

Driving is a complex task that requires multiple physical and cognitive processes working in
unison to perform. Age alone is not a determining factor in a person’s ability to drive safely, but
many older drivers can benefit from a comprehensive driving evaluation to identify and address
any existing deficits. Unfortunately, there are several barriers that limit the availability of these
beneficial evaluations to the growing population of older adults. 
The CODE-CCDE program model uses a unique collaborative approach to the delivery of driver
services that falls within the spectrum of driver services. The spectrum of driver services was a
collaborative effort by The Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists and AOTA to define
the language and models used in driving programs.  The cornerstone of this approach is
ongoing training and support of participating providers (occupational or physical therapists) in
the outpatient setting to ensure clinical driving evaluations are of a high-quality and follow
established best practice guidelines.
Trained therapists in the CODE-CCDE program should be able to: Apply knowledge of medical
conditions with implications to driving, assess the cognitive, visual, perceptual, behavioral and
physical limitations that may impact driving performance, integrate the clinical findings with
assessment of on-road performance, synthesize client and caregiver needs and assist in
decisions about available options, as well as coordinate with multidisciplinary providers to
provide resources related to the needs of clients.


required documents attached:
Course brochure with course schedule, course description and agenda - brochure attached in CEU PDF
Learning Objectives of course - in brochure pages 6 and 7 ALSO attached separate PDF with timing of each topic
CV for each presenter- bios in brochure pages 3 and 4
A copy of all written instructional materials distributed to participants - attached (glossary of terms)
Bibliography - attached at the bottom of glossary of terms document. also attached research abstracts with citations
Description of Instructional Methods - attached page 9
Certificate of Course completion- attached pg 10
Description or Copy of Participant Assessment tools- attached, x2 exams on pages 12-31
Course evaluation materials- attached in separate document below
Sample Attendance Sheet- attached page 32 of packet


offering online, in person, and virtual zoom trainings. in person dates and zooms not yet scheduled until approved by the course


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