2600 Compass Rd
Glenview, IL 60026 USA
Course Description:
Long Term Care communities are required to follow extensive rules to receive payment under the Medicare or Medicaid programs. In today’s regulated long-term care environment, therapy providers must understand the new survey requirements and become proactive in their strategies for survey preparation. Most survey items can be addressed before the inspection happens. It is essential to have awareness of how the process works, then take preemptive steps. LTC communities that are proactive may reduce their chances of being cited on a facility-related deficiency. This webinar will address pertinent topics such as the background and necessity of the LTC survey process, recent industry/regulatory changes that effect therapy and facility survey results; how Medicare is enforcing survey activities; and strategies for successful survey management.
CEU Credits: 1.000
Type of Course: Homestudy
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2024 to Dec 31, 2024