1340 Gaskins Road
Unit 12
Richmond, VA 23238 USA
Course Description:
This online video course provides learners with an introduction to medical management and cancer rehabilitation of people living with and beyond lung cancer. Lung cancer is the deadliest cancer in the United States. Many people are deemed inoperable based on tumor location or their functional capacity to tolerate and recover from surgery. This course will discuss the identification and evaluation of lung cancer medical management, including surgical approaches, radiation therapy, and systemic therapy, including chemotherapy, targeted and immunotherapy. Prospective surveillance, including prehab and early intervention for those undergoing surgery and systemic therapy, will be presented along with the rehabilitation management throughout the cancer continuum into survivorship and palliative care. Specific evaluation and intervention techniques that target cardiovascular and pulmonary training are addressed to optimize this population's function.
CEU Credits: 3.000
Type of Course: Homestudy
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2024 to Dec 31, 2024