3839 White Ave,
Eau Claire, WI 54703 USA
Course Description:
Life feels precarious for clients with trauma and chronic pain.
They’ve carved out a way to exist inside a world where everything hurts, and any intervention you make that suggests they go outside their comfort zone gets rejected.
They’re afraid change will be for the worse. I can’t do that, it’ll make my pain worse. I don’t do that, it triggers my PTSD.
Knowing that trauma and chronic pain fuel the feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness that drive addictions and suicidality, you’re afraid of what happens if nothing changes.
Now you can get the support and skills you need to work confidently with clients who are experiencing trauma-related symptoms and chronic pain. Join Benjamin Keizer, PhD, ABPP, chronic pain specialist, as he gives you a blueprint for effective treatment with this complex population. You’ll get:
• Functional and targeted assessments along with culturally-informed case conceptualization skills
• Strategies to alter the way clients’ brains and bodies interpret and respond to perceived threats and pain
• Powerful behavioral treatments and adjunctive approaches to managing, reducing, and even alleviating pain
REGISTER NOW to empower your clients to make meaningful changes today!
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Nov 27, 2023