PO Box 5627
Central Point, OR 97502 USA
Course Description:
This course is offered in cooperation with Elsevier Science and utilizes the softback textbook, “Promoting Legal and Ethical Awareness: A Primer for Health Professionals and Patients”, by Ron Scott.
Covering the legal and ethical issues involved with patient care, this book provides you with a framework for making important health-related decisions on patient care. It includes the latest information on HIPAA, IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), ADA (the Americans with Disabilities Act), and the No Child Left Behind Act. It also discusses methods of alternative dispute resolution and makes recommendations for improving attorney-health professional-client relations.
Module 3 covers business law and ethics, legal and ethical issues in education and a focus on professional ethics. Topics include: business torts, antitrust and administrative law, contracts, Good Samaritan laws, liability risk management for clinical instructors and affiliation sites, life and death decision making, nondiscrimination in health care delivery, gifts, and more.
Instructional Level: Beginner/Intermediate
CEU Credits: 4.000
Type of Course: Homestudy
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023