PO Box 5627
Central Point, OR 97502 USA
Course Description:
This course is offered in cooperation with Elsevier Science and utilizes the textbook, “Physical Therapy of the Shoulder, 5th Ed”, edited by Robert A. Donatelli, PhD, PT, OCS. Dr. Donatelli is a certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist with over 30 years of clinical hands-on experience.
This textbook is the leading reference on the shoulder and is now completely up-to-date with state-of-the-art rehabilitation and surgical techniques. It is an essential resource to the therapist, providing valuable information on functional anatomy, the mechanics of movement, neurologic, special, and surgical considerations and evaluation and treatment. This new edition provides new information, concepts, and evaluation of physical therapy and dysfunction based on the APTA Guide to Physical Therapy Practice, 2nd Ed and integrates these practice patterns with rehabilitation of the shoulder.
These courses are essential to therapists treating shoulder injuries in all rehabilitation settings!
Module 1 covers the mechanics of movement and evaluation including the guide to practice, functional anatomy and mechanics, throwing injuries and examinations and evaluation of the shoulder
Instructional Level: Beginner/Intermediate
CEU Credits: 8.000
Type of Course: Homestudy
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023