PO Box 5627
Central Point, OR 97502 USA
Course Description:
This course is offered in cooperation with Human Kinetics and includes the paperback textbook, "Athletic Taping and Bracing, 3rd Ed and the DVD “Sport Taping Basics”, 2nd Ed. With its concise anatomical descriptions and detailed anatomical illustrations similar to those normally found in advanced texts on anatomy, the included textbook clearly highlights the mechanisms of injury that are crucial for understanding effective taping and bracing. The text thoroughly discusses and illustrates the general principles of taping and bracing for each major joint and body region. It also contains step-by-step instructions for 46 taping and wrapping procedures, including elastic kinesiology taping and rigid strap taping techniques for gastrocnemius strains, Achilles tendinitis, and arch problems; knee, quadriceps, and hip problems; shoulder and elbow hyperextension laxity; epicondylitis; and wrist and hand issues.
The included DVD brings the book to life by visually demonstrating 32 specific taping procedures, each being shown in its entirety without disruption. The taping procedure is then shown again to highlight the key steps of the procedure, and includes close-ups and correct positioning of the athletic trainer and athlete, making the demonstrations easy to follow. Perrin also gives advice on the use of appropriate taping equipment for specific injuries, including when to use elastic or inelastic tape, adhesive spray, moleskin, anchor strips, friction pads, and underwrap. He discusses alternative taping techniques to use for various injuries—for example, how to tape an ankle sprain with an inversion versus an eversion—so the correct procedure can be applied.
With this course, students will learn the evidence-based foundations and techniques of taping and bracing, as well as how taping and bracing can aid an athlete’s total rehabilitation. The coverage of rehabilitation exercises as well as prevention will help readers become more effective health care providers for athletes and other active people with musculoskeletal injuries and problems. Instructional Level: Beginner/Intermediate
CEU Credits: 10.000
Type of Course: Homestudy
Course URL: http://www.athomeseminars.com/store/catalog/shop-by-category/paper/athletic-taping-and-bracing.html
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023