2768 Centennial Road
Toledo, OH 43617 USA
Course Description:
This course will provide you with a unique yet systematic framework to finding the true cause of patients’ pain. You’ll learn to assess the body in a “global” way, looking beyond the local pain area to find dysfunctions elsewhere that could be causing the problem. The major focus points of this approach are the joint, muscle, fascial, and compensatory barriers a patient has (what we call the JMFC Framework) as well as the hypo-hyper compensation model, both in theory and on actual patient case studies. We know patients tend seek out therapists who have a great reputation for making a difference, and these simple frameworks will help you develop that reputation and help you get patients’ lives back. This course will cover how to identify key dysfunctions in the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle, and foot, as well as look at spinal referred pain.
CEU Credits: 16.500
Type of Course: In Person
Course URL: http://www.glseminars.com/courses/view-course-info/finding-dysfunction/
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Apr 13, 2024 to Apr 14, 2024 | Virginia Beach VA