10900 NE 4th St.
Suite 2300
Bellevue, WA 98004 USA
Course Description:
ACL reconstruction rehabilitation seems straightforward, yet it is incredibly complex. With so
many impairments to work on, how do you prioritize what to address and when to address it?
And then how do you know the patient is ready for the next phase of rehab? How do you do this
in an efficient manner under the constraints of insurance? Then, when the time comes, how do
you know when your patient is ready to return to sport? This course will merge an evidencebased
perspective with real-world practice experience and give you a clear rehabilitation process
rather than a rigid protocol to follow. This course will give an evidence-based road map to
optimize both rehabilitation and outcomes for patients who have undergone an ACL
reconstruction. The course will conclude with clear return-to-sport and discharge criteria to
ensure the patient is ready to go back to sport with as many risk factors removed as possible.
CEU Credits: 1.000
Type of Course: Online Only
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2024 to Dec 31, 2024