CEUL128239 - Reactive Balance: Translating Research Into Clinical Practice (Recorded Webinar)

Offered By

10900 NE 4th St.
Suite 2300
Bellevue, WA  98004  USA

Course Description:

Older adults and individuals with neurologic conditions are at an increased fall risk. The ability to
produce quick reactive stepping is a critical component to decrease this risk and improve function.
Perturbation-based balance training (PBBT) is an innovative intervention design with a goal of improving
control of the needed rapid balance reaction.
An abundance of PBBT research has been performed with a variety of patient populations including
stroke, spinal cord injury, as well as aging adults. However, the research design of these studies are often
impractical for the everyday clinician and don’t address the preliminary building blocks for varying levels
of patients in different settings.
In this course, the speaker will review the necessary components to progress different patient
diagnoses/settings to effectively perform PBBT. Through lecture and video-based cases, this session will
focus on translating the evidence to successfully implement a progression of PBBT-type interventions for
the above patient diagnoses. The presenter will emphasize key evidence-based concepts along with
practical solutions to execute PBBT interventions.
The purpose of this course is for participants to leave with practical and evidence-based insights to safely
and effectively apply PBBT with patients when returning to their clinic.

CEU Credits: 4.000

Type of Course: Online Only

Course Dates To Be Offered:

Jan 1, 2024 to Dec 31, 2024


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