PO Box 911
Chatham, VA 24531 USA
Course Description:
SFMA Level 2 Course Description:
The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) Level 2 Course was designed to assist
the healthcare professional with treating the results found using the SFMA. This course focuses
on the Reset, Reinforce and Reloading of dysfunctional movements to restore proper
musculoskeletal function at a global level. Most healthcare professionals tend to be focused on
the problem in front of them however, maintaining or restoring precise movement of specific
segments is the key to preventing or correcting musculoskeletal dysfunction. An isolated or
regional approach to evaluation and treatment will not restore complete function. When the
clinical assessment is initiated from the perspective of a movement pattern, the clinician has the
opportunity to identify meaningful impairments that may be seemingly unrelated to the main
musculoskeletal complaint, but contributes to the associated disability. In 2013, the American
Physical Therapy Association adopted a new vision statement: Transforming society by
optimizing movement to improve the human experience. The genesis behind this vision is
that movement is a key to optimal living and quality of life for all people that extends beyond
health to every person's ability to participate in and contribute to society. Normal movement is
achieved through an adequate balance of mobility and stability to meet the demands of the task at
hand. The human system migrates toward predictable patterns of movement in response to injury
or in the presence of weakness, tightness, or structural abnormality. If movement is
dysfunctional, all things built on that dysfunction might be flawed, compromised or predisposed
to risk even if disguised by acceptable levels of skill or performance. The SFMA approach is
based on the premise that pain and dysfunction occur as a result of impaired patterns of
movement. Specific musculoskeletal dysfunction is considered the consequence rather than the
cause of faulty movement patterns. Emphasis is placed upon identifying the root cause of the
dysfunction rather than source of the symptoms.
The SFMA Level 2 course offers healthcare providers a new approach to the treatment of pain
and dysfunction. It will guide the clinician to the proper therapeutic intervention, whether that
be manual therapy or motor control training. SFMA Level 2 course stresses the need to
distinguish between mobility and motor control dysfunction, as each should be addressed with
very different approaches.
The goal of this SFMA Level 2 Course is to understand the concepts of Reset, Reinforce and
Reload and where they are applicable based on the SFMA findings. The SFMA Level 2 course is
primarily designed to expose the clinician to the neurodevelopmental progression and the
concepts on restoring proper motor control once mobility is restored.
This course will cover the background, philosophy and evidence related to neurodevelopmental
progression and its impact on motor control. Then participants will enjoy a demonstration and
laboratory sessions covering the full body movement tests and corrective exercise strategies of
the SFMA. Participants will be taught the methodology of the motor control 4x4 matrix and
ample lab time will be given to ensure the participants are comfortable integrating the
interventions into their clinical practice. All of the information provided is practical, useful,
logical, and can be incorporated into clinical practice immediately.
CEU Credits: 9.500
Type of Course: Online Only
Course URL: http://www.functionalmovement.com/Store/235/sfma_level_2_-_online_certification
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023