77 Bay Bridge Drive
Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 USA
Course Description:
Ever since DRA became more well-known in the pre- and post-natal space, there has been an explosion of information that is readily available online. An unintentional consequence of some of this information of has been the creation of fear, anxiety, and distress around strengthening the core. Being diagnosed with DRA isn’t a contraindication to exercise, but moms around the world with DRA have become terrified of moving their bodies. Even though many professionals want to change the narrative around DRA, they don’t know how to go about it. They know there are ways to empower women with diastasis but are unsure of how to dispel the myths with science. They know that strengthening the core is vital for many with DRA but are unclear of which exercises might be best to use in the process. They understand that women with DRA need to progress but are confused over when and how to scale them up.
This introductory level course pools together both the latest research on DRA and years of clinical experience in helping women with the condition to equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to thoroughly understand the postpartum core. It also arms you with a unique framework of exercises that takes the guess work out of the core rebuilding process for those with DRA. This course will not only empower you to confidently lead your clients through the core rebuilding journey, but will empower your clients towards feeling hopeful, encouraged and motivated again.
CEU Credits: 20.500
Type of Course: Online Only
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2024 to Dec 31, 2024