22000 Villagio Drive
Edmond, OK 73012 USA
Course Description:
How do you effectively rehab a professional (or amateur) dancer?? This video course delves into the entire spectrum of Dance Rehab. Mark Brown, PT, CSCS starts with the beginning decisions of how to screen dancers for injury prevention. Next, Amanda Parsons, MA, RDN/LD examines the nutritional requirements needed to actively dance and how disordered eating can affect injuries/rehab. Then Megan Meier, MD explains common dancing injuries and training errors. Finally, Mark Brown explores proven treatment strategies for dance injuries.
The course focuses on areas of:
-How and why do we need to screen dancers for injury prevention?
-Nutritional concerns of the dancer
-Overuse dance injuries and training errors
-Treatment strategies for dance rehab
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2024 to Dec 31, 2024