22000 Villagio Drive
Edmond, OK 73012 USA
Course Description:
Puzzled by that talented athlete who can’t seem to rehab to the level that they (or you) want? Have you treated or overlooked functional fascial anatomy's role in musculoskeletal performance? Therapy professionals comprise the greatest number of musculoskeletal care providers in the United States. Make sure you are on your “game” by educating yourself in fascial anatomy, stretching & performance training.
Robert McCabe, DPT, OCS, CSCS, MTC, will help you hone your skills. In this audio/video course, Dr. McCabe will discuss 70 treatment techniques for common musculoskeletal conditions, including postural issues, myofascial pain syndrome, overuse & sports injuries, and post-surgical conditions. The integration of functional fascial anatomy will be discussed as it applies to the treatment protocols. Case studies are used to reinforce learning through practical applications.
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2024 to Dec 31, 2024