22000 Villagio Drive
Edmond, OK 73012 USA
Course Description:
Last year, emergency rooms across the country reported 11.7 million pediatric injuries. Of those injuries 89.9% had a primary diagnosis of the upper extremity. The most common injury was fracture (28.2%) and dislocations were common among the youngest patients. Do you treat a lot of pediatric upper extremity injuries or are you just a parent (or a loving aunt/uncle/grandparent/friend) who would like to know more? Trevor Winnegge, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, CSCS, will educate you about upper extremity injuries ranging from Little League Elbow to Olecranon Apophysitis to Monteggia Fracture. In this course, Dr. Winnegge will cover:
• A review of pediatric bone anatomy
• Identify the Salter-Harris fracture classification system
• Differentiate between multiple pediatric-specific UE injuries
• Recognize the medical/surgical management of these injuries
• Identify a rehabilitation protocol for each injury
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2024 to Dec 31, 2024