CEUL130554 - Focus on the Core: Current Perspectives

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27710 Walsh Crossing Drive
Katy, TX  77494  USA

Course Description:

This course for PT and OT professionals returns our focus to an area of the body that is all too often neglected in busy therapy settings—the core. A strong, balanced, well-coordinated core is essential to good function in all other parts of the body. This course examines current perspectives on the principles of core training for adults. We review relevant anatomy of the abdomen, back, hips, and pelvis and discuss how these muscle groups work together for core function. We discuss why the core is important, look at the history of the core in rehabilitation, and examine the main conceptual models that explain core function and dysfunction. Specifics of assessment and intervention for adults are discussed, and several detailed evidence-based exercise program progressions are presented. The course also examines special considerations for three specific adult populations: individuals with low back pain, athletes, and older adults. Throughout the course, exercise illustrations, Therapist Tips, and case scenarios provide practical advice. This course will help rehab professionals thoroughly understand the core to achieve the best possible functional outcomes with adult patients of all ages. Its information will be immediately useful in nearly any clinical setting.


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