CEUL131761 - COPY OF WV Renewal PEDS 2 Pediatric Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Assessment and Management

Offered By
DSD PT Consulting, PLLC

7179 S Vine Circle West
Centennial, CO  80122  USA

Course Description:

This online class is the next step for therapists those who focus on the pediatric pelvic floor patient population. It is designed to expand your knowledge of development of normal bowel patterns in children, introduce the new Rome IV criteria and review the anatomy and physiology of the GI system with emphasis pediatric Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGID).

According to van den Berg et al, up to 30 percent of children suffer from constipation and account for approximately 3% to 5% of all visits to pediatricians.

Early intervention can avoid stool-withholding patterns with worsening constipation leading to prolonged bowel issues into adulthood 3 with psychosocial consequences.

This course will delve into the most common types of functional constipation and tests and measures used to assess it. Special emphasis on constipation with coexistence of fecal incontinence and treatment of dyssynergic defecation and the psychological effects of these disorders will also be presented.

Additionally, participants who have not yet been trained will learn external and internal anorectal PFM evaluation of the pediatric perineum. Indications for rectal balloon training and determining the appropriate patient will be instructed with lab. Functional defecatory positions for breathing and PFM relaxation, manual neuromuscular techniques of the abdominal wall, rib cage and viscera will be taught. Video demonstrations of pediatric patients’ treatment techniques and progressions will be presented. Management of supplements and dietary influences will be discussed. Finally, case studies of specific diagnoses including post op Hirschsprung’s pull though bowel training, fecal incontinence and Abdominal Phrenic Dyssynergia will be presented.


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