1919 Madison Ave
Apt 405
New York, NY 10035 USA
Course Description:
Be equipped and energized this Spring! This Symposium will provide you with practical application of the current evidence & hottest topics in school-based practice. This is the essential course for every school-based OT & PT – whether you’re new to the practice, or you’re an experienced therapist seeking more ideas! The Symposium consists of multiple seminar topics including ADHD, Dyslexia, collaborative goals, DCD and autism, screening, MTSS strategies for PT/As, UDL for OT/As, wheelchair, adapted seating and supported standing, creating a life skills program, cerebral palsy, and explaining school-based versus medical-based OT/PT services. Come and learn from the leading experts in school-based and pediatric practice. For a full description of each seminar please download the Brochure. Come and learn from the leading experts in the fields of school-based and pediatric practice, and leave the course with your Bonus Practical Tools that you can use the very next day!
CEU Credits: 12.000
Type of Course: Online Only
Course URL: http://www.applyebp.com/live-workshops-grid/the-well-equipped-therapist-online-spring-2024/
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Apr 11, 2024 to Apr 12, 2024