2200 N. Hollow Cir
Slinger, WI 53086 USA
Course Description:
This program is focused on building clinical decision making in a unique population. Sessions will split between discussion of clinical decision-making model/framework and building assessment techniques, manual therapy, and exercise. Through completion of the program, participants will have a good understanding of the basics of the decision-making framework, be able to provide a comprehensive pelvic floor evaluation including intravaginal and intrarectal techniques and interventions, understand the structure and function of the pelvic floor in context with the rest of the body with effective screening of the lumbopelvic region, hip, and SI joints, integrate best practice for orthopedics, pelvic health, and pain science, and establish a foundational neuro-motor retraining toolbox with evidence-based exercise prescription and dosage for patients with pelvic floor dysfunction.
CEU Credits: 20.000
Type of Course: Blended
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Apr 25, 2024 to Jun 20, 2024