2028 E Ben White Blvd #240-8855
Austin, TX 78741 USA
Course Description:
As the type, severity, and percentage of mental illnesses continue to rise in adolescents and young adults, athletic trainers, physical therapists, and healthcare professionals, in general, are certain to encounter student-athletes with psychological concerns at the secondary school and collegiate levels. In this course, lecture techniques will be utilized to discuss the different types of mental health disorders prevalent among competitive athletes along with the various stressors and triggering events that may lead to psychological concern in these individuals. After a thorough review of the literature on best practices regarding the management of mental health conditions in athletes, participants will be able to generate a plan to formally address mental health conditions in athletes, construct a referral network of mental health providers, and investigate the legal liability associated with developing a plan to manage mental health conditions.
CEU Credits: 3.000
Type of Course: Online Only
Course URL: http://www.physicaltherapy.com/pt-ceus/course/identifying-and-recognizing-mental-health-4874
Course Dates To Be Offered:
May 15, 2024 to May 15, 2029