2028 E Ben White Blvd #240-8855
Austin, TX 78741 USA
Course Description:
Emergency management of injuries in sport should be handled by a trained medical professional. An emergency action plan (EAP) is necessary for any school or university with venues where athletes exercise. An emergency action plan should be specific to your organization, venues, resources, and personnel. Sports medicine professionals must be competent in developing, implementing, and reviewing EAPs to protect athletes and reduce liability for the individual healthcare professional and institution. The instructor will provide an overarching review of the literature regarding the management of establishing emergency action plans to allow the participant to become proficient in establishing procedures and identifying personnel and resources to create EAPs.
CEU Credits: 2.000
Type of Course: Online Only
Course URL: http://www.physicaltherapy.com/pt-ceus/course/from-accident-to-ambulance-emergency-4875
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jun 14, 2024 to Jun 14, 2029