10900 NE 4th St.
Suite 2300
Bellevue, WA 98004 USA
Course Description:
Adolescents and Young Adults (AYAs) diagnosed with cancer require rehabilitation services to effectively manage treatment side effects and require enhanced long-term surveillance. However, engaging AYAs in rehab services is challenging for a variety of reasons that are unique to this population, resulting in poorer outcomes for AYAs. AYAs face unique barriers to rehabilitation, as well as other crucial services to enhance their quality of life, that are different than the pediatric or older adult population diagnosed with cancer. In this module, defining the AYA population and identifying the more common cancers in this age group will be reviewed. Identify the rehabilitation needs of the AYA with cancer. The potential barriers for AYAs to access rehabilitation will be extensively examined, and tangible steps to address these barriers will be proposed through interactive discussion.
CEU Credits: 1.750
Type of Course: Online Only
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2024 to Dec 31, 2024