CEUL136392 - TheraBand® Kinesiology Tape: Basic Applications of the Upper Quarter

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10900 NE 4th St.
Suite 2300
Bellevue, WA  98004  USA

Course Description:

The second course in this four-part series on TheraBand Kinesiology Tape reviews basic kinesiology tape applications of the upper quarter. Kinesiology taping is a popular clinical intervention, yet there remains controversy about its efficacy. Typically applied to reduce musculoskeletal pain, other claims of efficacy have included improvements in strength, range of motion, swelling, and function. These anecdotal outcomes are often fueled by misleading Internet claims, particularly by commercial websites. Unfortunately, the mechanism of action of kinesiology taping remains theoretical, thereby confounding efforts of supporting evidence-based applications. Furthermore, the lack of knowledge behind these mechanisms of action fuels unfounded mechanistic reasoning. Research behind the efficacy of applying specific patterns, directions, and tape tensions remain scarce despite widespread clinical education and training programs. This course provides a more scientifically based approach to applying kinesiology tape by recognizing the limitations in the literature. By combining the best available evidence with clinical experience and patient presentation, clinicians will make better clinical decisions when using kinesiology tape. Please be sure to watch the other courses in this series:


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