CEUL139975 - Fascial Manipulation: Level 2 (Hybrid)

Offered By
Structure And Function

9400 Erlton Court
Elk Grove, CA  95758  USA

Course Description:

In the Level 2 Fascial Manipulation® course (FM-2), participants expand on their understanding of the biomechanical model to treat patients with multi-segmental dysfunctions more efficiently. The Fascial Manipulation® Level 2 (FM-2) course consists of two three-day courses, called FM-2a and FM-2b. In this hybrid delivery, level 2a will be taken online and MUST be completed at least one week prior to attending level 2b in person. You must watch all required lectures and pass each test from the online portion of the class. You then need to print your certificate stating you passed these exams and bring it with you to level 2b.

As part of the learning process, Level 2 students will be required to present Assessment Charts of cases treated after Level 1 for discussion.

Course FM-2a consists of Focus on the role of Centers of Fusion as part of the biomechanical model and the formation of Myofascial Diagonals; Elements of comparative anatomy studies will be introduced to assist the evaluation of adaptive compensations within the fascial system.; The involvement of fascia in motor control will be discussed and the Assessment Chart used in Fascial Manipulation® Level 1 will be updated with new elements.

FM-2b – Fascial Manipulation Level 2 Part B (In Person) Course FM-2b will consist of: Introduction to the Myofascial Spirals to complete understanding of complex movement patterns and mechanisms.; The latest fascial research projects will be presented.; Numerous treatment demonstrations and practice will highlight this course as comparative assessment of Centers of Coordination and Centers of Fusion, Assessment Chart analysis, clinical reasoning, hands-on skills, and treatment strategies will be emphasized.


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