CEUL141800 - Chronic Medical Illness: ACT, CBT, and MI to Improve Anxiety, Grief, Pain, and Functioning

Offered By
PESI, Inc.

3839 White Ave,
Eau Claire, WI  54703  USA

Course Description:

When clients have chronic health problems, therapy becomes even more complicated.
Already struggling with their mental health symptoms, these clients are confused, frustrated, and demoralized by their medical illness. It interferes with their self-efficacy and functioning, and it creates profound shifts in their identity and relationships.
Of course, they need their medical providers to help manage their condition.
But they also need you.
Faced with complicated terminology, unappealing decisions regarding treatment options, and challenging lifestyle changes, you might feel as intimidated and hopeless as your clients.
Now you can become a source of help and hope for your clients with chronic medical illness. During a full day of comprehensive training, Teresa Deshields, PhD, ABPP, will use her 20+ years of experience treating clients with chronic illness to walk you step by step through the latest evidence-based strategies to improve mood, pain, and functioning. You’ll gain the skills you need to confidently implement:
•   Key collaborative assessments tools for distress, quality of life, anxiety, and more
•   Cutting edge strategies from CBT, ACT, MI and more to reduce the burden of medical illness
•   Best practices for involving caregivers and families in treatment, collaborating with healthcare providers, and other ethical and professional issues
REGISTER TODAY to meet the growing demand for behavioral treatment interventions for clients coping with chronic medical illness!


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