CEUL144065 - COPY OF COPY OF Rehab 136 - The Athlete's Lumbar Spine: Evaluation and Treatment

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201 N King Of Prussia Rd, Suite 370 C/O Joanne Brown
Radnor, PA  19087  USA

Course Description:

This course focuses on the evaluation, rehabilitation, and performance training for the athlete with low back pain. The material is relevant to sports medicine clinicians and strength and performance coaches that work with athletes who have lumbar spine disorders. In section one, the epidemiology of low back pain among athlete’s in different sports is discussed. A review of anatomy, including the role of the fascial system is presented. In part two, concepts pertaining to pain science, including central and peripheral sensitization are addressed. Medical screening for non-mechanical sources of lower back and the utilization of red and yellow flags are highlighted. This section concludes with a detailed presentation of the evaluation process of the athlete’s lumbar spine, with an emphasis on a movement-based approach that is pertinent to specific sports. In the third section, a phase-based approach to rehabilitation is presented. The concepts of workload management, acute to chronic workload and interval training and criteria to transition to performance training and return to play are highlighted.


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