CEUL144067 - COPY OF COPY OF Yoga and Rehab 105 - Yoga for Low Back Pain and Core Stabilization

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201 N King Of Prussia Rd, Suite 370 C/O Joanne Brown
Radnor, PA  19087  USA

Course Description:

Low Back Pain continues to grow affecting thousands every day. Low back pain is a leading cause of disability in the United States, annually accounting for 4.3 million years lived with disability nearly twice the burden of any other health condition. Eight out of 10 people in the United States experience low back pain in their lifetime. Core stability is the capacity of the lumbar pelvic hip muscle complex to control lower trunk movement and maintain stability of the vertebral column. Yoga is an ancient system of practices used to balance the mind and body with simple basic poses or asanas has known to help with low back pain and improve our core stability. Yoga is gaining increase in popularity in the west. It is estimated 34.4 million people practice yoga in America due to its innumerable benefits to health. Research has shown that yoga not only benefits from chronic pain but also further prevents it.
I am a Physical Therapist and a Certified Yoga Instructor, and I would like to present this 3-hour CE course on Yoga for Low Back Pain and Core Stabilization. We will discuss common asanas that help with pain in Acute and Chronic Phases of Pain, asanas which help improve flexibility and asanas which are good for stability. We will talk about asana application and a case study to help understand better implementation.


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