201 N King Of Prussia Rd, Suite 370 C/O Joanne Brown
Radnor, PA 19087 USA
Course Description:
This course focuses on injury prevention, rehabilitation, and performance training in the overhead athlete. The material is relevant to sports medicine clinicians, strength and performance coaches and personal trainers working with overhead athletes. In section one, the biomechanics of the pitching motion is detailed, with a discussion on the relationship between biomechanical efficiency, pitching pathomechanics, musculoskeletal impairments, and injury risk factors. Recent advances in injury screening metrics used at the professional level are introduced that are invaluable in identifying overhead athletes at risk of sustaining an injury to the shoulder or elbow. The diagnosis and rehabilitation of common shoulder musculoskeletal injuries are discussed in hour 2 with an emphasis on key concepts to attain the best outcomes. The transition to performance training is highlighted in the third section, with information on key performance factors, baseball - specific exercises, interval throwing programs, weighted ball programs and return to play criteria. The material in this course is designed to fill in the gaps between injury prevention, rehabilitation and performance training.
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2024 to Dec 31, 2024