201 N King Of Prussia Rd, Suite 370 C/O Joanne Brown
Radnor, PA 19087 USA
Course Description:
Yoga has been commonly used for various health related conditions and
Pranayama is typically practiced with Yoga and has if not more, but equal benefits. Pranayama is regarded as a science and is one of the main components of yoga forming the fourth limb in
Ashtanga Yoga. Pranayama or yogic breathing has demonstrated numerous beneficial health effects. In a wider sense Pranayama strengthens the body and mind connection, but it has also proven to support multiple aspects of physical health, including lung function, vital capacity, resting respiratory rate, blood pressure and brain function. I am a Physical Therapist and a Certified Yoga instructor, and I wanted to introduce Pranayama or Yogic Breathing and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. In this CE we can focus on how we can implement different types of Pranayama with various respiratory conditions and explore their numerous therapeutic benefits.
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023