22000 Villagio Drive
Edmond, OK 73012 USA
Course Description:
Name some reasons that it is important for a clinician to have a good understanding of differential diagnosis…..ANNND GO!!
1. Direct Access
2. Early detection of conditions that mimic musculoskeletal conditions
3. Patients are discharged “quicker and sicker” from acute care
4. Patients may disclose information to their therapist which might have been unknown to the physician…..AND many more!
Let Dr. Rina Pandya help you feel more confident in your differential diagnosis skills.
This is course 3.
Course one is A Clinician’s Guide to Differential Diagnosis.
Course two is A Clinician’s Guide to Lower Extremity Differential Diagnosis, Pathologies and Special Tests.
In this course, Dr. Pandya will cover how:
• To understand how to perform differential diagnosis of shoulder and neck pain
• Analyze and diagnose potential red flags and integrate the issues into the clinical assessment
• Identify and understand the review of systems: CVS, CRPS, Renal, GI, Liver, Rheumatic causes, Infection, Oncologic and Gynecologic
• Utilize clinical treatments in accordance with the latest clinical practice guidelines and evidence-based practice
• Identify systemic reasons for shoulder and neck pain
• Identify informed decisions in treatment choices applicable to the patients or appropriate referral to the physician
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2025 to Dec 31, 2025