22000 Villagio Drive
Edmond, OK 73012 USA
Course Description:
Therapy professionals comprise the greatest number of musculoskeletal care providers in the United States. With more and more states allowing Direct Access, therapists are becoming Primary Care Providers! Are you prepared to perform a thorough medical screening? What if the patient has an issue that is not musculoskeletal, are you confident in your skills to identify the red flags and refer the patient?
Robert McCabe, DPT, OCS, CSCS, MTC will help you hone your screening skills. In this audio/video course, Dr. McCabe will discuss:
*Why Therapy Professionals should be considered Primary Care Providers
*Rationale and Levels of Evidence for Evidence Based Medical Screening
*Differentiating between Red Flags…when to refer
*Recognize a thorough interview including Medical History, Intake Interview, Red Flags, Pain Assessment Tools, Psycho-Social Cues and the Core Interview
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2025 to Dec 31, 2025