CEUL145801 - Evidence Based Primary Care Screening: Symptoms - Part 2

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22000 Villagio Drive
Edmond, OK  73012  USA

Course Description:

Therapy professionals comprise the greatest number of musculoskeletal care providers in the United States. With more and more states allowing Direct Access, therapists are becoming Primary Care Providers! Are you prepared to perform a thorough medical screening? What if the patient has an issue that is not musculoskeletal, are you confident in your skills to identify the red flags and refer the patient?
Robert McCabe, DPT, OCS, CSCS, MTC breaks down symptom and system screening even further in this 3rd course on Evidence Based Primary Care Screening. His presentation will help you hone your screening skills based on body systems. Dr. McCabe will cover:
*Recognizing the role of Therapy Providers as Primary Care Providers
*Differentiate between symptoms of each system…see objectives for exhaustive list
*Identify the Red Flags of each system disease
*Recognize the importance of when to refer

Dr. McCabe continues this series with two other audio/video courses:
Evidence Based Primary Care Screening: Foundations
Evidence Based Primary Care Screening: Symptoms- Part 1


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