CEUL146704 - Geriatric Bladder Control: Promoting a Culture of Bladder Control in Senior Living Environments

Offered By

10900 NE 4th St.
Suite 2300
Bellevue, WA  98004  USA

Course Description:

Bladder control problems, including urinary incontinence, negatively impact quality of life and rehabilitation outcomes. Urinary incontinence affects up to 70% of elders in senior living environments, and may impact 80% or more of elders with dementia. Physical and occupational therapists historically have relied primarily on nursing to mange bladder control problems. Nevertheless, rehabilitation clinicians can provide effective rehabilitation-based interventions, which may greatly improve bladder control in their patients. The rehabilitation, nursing, and medical team is increasingly collectively responsible for patient outcomes, including preventing falls, infections, and re-hospitalization. Therapists can promote a culture of bladder control in senior living environments by partnering in care with nurses and the medical team, and with each other. This course will explore strategies for improving interdisciplinary care and treatment of bladder control problems in senior living environments by creating a culture of bladder control.


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