CEUL147141 - ME/CFS Part 1: Introduction and Identification

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10900 NE 4th St.
Suite 2300
Bellevue, WA  98004  USA

Course Description:

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) causes severely disabling fatigue within the context of a constellation of unusual signs and symptoms, which are associated with over-exertion. Because people with ME/CFS present with a whole host of clinical findings, there are multiple reasons for entry into medical and rehabilitation settings. The multifactorial clinical presentation of ME/CFS emphasizes the need for clinicians to recognize ME/CFS, in order to advocate for patients/clients with possible ME/CFS and to direct its appropriate management. The pathoetiology of ME/CFS is becoming better understood, and there is emerging evidence based on this pathoetiological evidence to support best practices in analeptic management strategies for people with ME/CFS.

This two-part course series provides the opportunity for attendees to receive the latest information in recognition, etiology, and analeptic management of patients with ME/CFS from a panel of established researchers and clinicians. In this session, the presenters will (i) summarize the clinical features ME/CFS with respect to optimal identification and differential diagnosis; (ii) describe the pathoetiology underlying the clinical features of ME/CFS; and (iii) provide an actionable framework for optimal analeptic management of individuals with ME/CFS that is based on current scientific evidence.


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