CEUL147578 - Rehabilitation of Non-Surgical SLAP Disorders

Offered By
Colibri Healthcare, LLC

26 N Beach Street
Suite A
Ormond Beach, FL  32174  USA

Course Description:

Clinical assessment and treatment of patients with SLAP injuries is challenging even for the most experienced clinician. This course discusses the pathophysiology and related anatomy for SLAP disorders in both the athletic and general populations. The relationship between SLAP injuries, scapula dyskinesis and posterior shoulder tightness is explored. The clinical evaluation, as well as differential diagnosis, for patients with suspected SLAP tears is presented, and the most evidence-based clinical / special tests is discussed. Updated clinical prediction rules pertaining to successful non-surgical management are presented. A comprehensive evidence based rehabilitation approach is emphasized, with a focus on scapula stabilization and neuromuscular control exercises, posterior glenohumeral capsule stretches, rotator cuff strengthening, postural correction and soft tissue mobilization techniques. Video demonstration of exercise and manual interventions are utilized to reinforce correct techniques. Phase-based rehabilitation guidelines are presented, including transitioning the patient to sport-specific training programs.


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