1340 Gaskins Road
Unit 12
Richmond, VA 23238 USA
Course Description:
This course is designed to assist the learner who has previously taken a beginner vestibular course improve at clinically integrating the material. While treating the dizzy patient can be intimidating, this is often due to missing key components during the examination; either by omission of testing or proper assessment. These exclusions limit the therapist’s ability to create and implement an optimal vestibular treatment plan. This interactive session will review how each piece of the vestibular examination plays a critical role and will review when to implement specific treatments. The session will also look at common vestibular presentations by diagnoses and will work through case scenarios to allow maximal clinical carry over
CEU Credits: 2.000
Type of Course: Homestudy
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2025 to Dec 31, 2025